Site updated February 14th 2025- Microsoft Ai Deception
Welcome please embark on your journey to understanding here. It is time to think it through.
The first thing that needs to transpire is that you are introduced to the Rule of law. What is the rule of law you may ask. Well it is the supreme, the primary operation of law that must always be respected. this rule teaches us that as one individual you were born with natural rights, fundamental freedoms that can never be limited or abridged. No government body or power has the right to breach or disrespect this rule. The rule of law is a power that protects you from government corruption. If you want to deepen your understanding and build upon what you just watched then click the link before you move onto the next video. |
As you have seen Natural law, natural rights now better known as Human Rights protect you from government actions that seek to control and limit your ability. The government is under the legal obligation to respect your individual rights, this obligation is upon them because of international law. The government was to teach you about your fundamental human rights but they never did. I gather it is because those who understand about their natural rights, then understand the wrong actions taken by the government when they take actions directly aimed at the destruction of these rights, the destruction of the Rule of Law.
The way Canada is operating and treating the people of Canada is not something new. The country may be relatively new in law, created in 1867, however the operations of law that they are using as a control mechanism have been around for thousands of years. The government creates their own laws called statutory law and through this law they control individuals. However statutory law is NOT the primary law in Canada. Your human rights afford you protection from being placed into servitude to the government body. |
Canada is controlled by the Monarch of Canada which is His Majesty the King. In Canada's domestic law it is the King who gives the statutory laws the force of law or the ability to operate. This is is called the enacting clause, the King must give a decree, just like it was in the old days. This clause is found in article four of the following statutory power. Every domestic law, all statutory powers that the government creates must be enacted by the King, by the Monarch or it is of no force or effect. The ruling power in Canada does indeed rest with the Monarch |
Are you a citizen of Canada, is that how you see yourself. A citizen is not a natural designation it is a designation created by statutory law. In law you are recognized as a man or woman but the government changes your capacity before them. To understand more about how the government does this see the link. Why does the government have the right to regulate and control you in the manner that they do, well because they are breaking the Rule of law with their domestic statutory laws. They bank on the fact that you do not understand the difference. |
The same things are transpiring with the American government. The government is creating domestic statutory laws which have the effect of limiting and abridging your fundamental human rights. They are doing so contrary to the Rule of Law. To call yourself a Citizen is akin to shooting yourself in your own foot. A citizen is a statutory creature created by law and operating only limited rights and freedoms. It is a designation that produces duties and responsibilities towards the Government. A citizen is in Servitude under a pledge and is not free as a man or woman is. You can learn more about what is transpiring in America by clicking the link. |
The government bodies are under international obligation to respect and ensure our natural rights, our human rights. Whether it is the Government of Canada, America, Germany , Russia or any other government that has signed upon the international covenants. They are under obligation by the Rule of law to never take actions that limit our fundamental human rights. Your natural rights that you were born with are protected by international law and by default must be protected by domestic governments like Canada and the USA.
So our governments have to respect and ensure we are not hindered from exercising our human rights. This is called your full legal capacity. When a man or woman stands under their human rights, this is known as standing under your full legal capacity. It is a legal and lawful standing in law. It is standing under the Rule of law. The governments can not use their created statutory laws to break the Rule of law to limit and abridge your fundamental human rights. |
The question that must be asked now is what capacity what designation does the government recognize you under. Are your interactions with the government strictly and only through you acting under statutory capacity like a driver, student, resident, patient, home owner. How are you interacting with the Government, the choice is yours. No one can force you to give up your full legal capacity. The government can never point to their domestic laws that they created in order to claim they can limit and remove your fundamental human rights.
As you will see in this video the foundational law, the ground law of the country protects individual natural rights, human rights. American, Russian, Canadian it does not matter the Rule of law is present and stands in operation in all our countries. The rule of law operates without the government creating it, they did not create natural rights but they must respect them. Even in Germany we see the same operations of law click the link to see this in action. |
Perhaps you are aware of these things as it pertains to natural rights. maybe you have come across some videos talking about natural rights vs statutory rights. What you need to become aware of is that not every argument is correct. To enforce your fundamental human rights against the government it must be done through a specific pathway, through a specific channel of law. This road to recognition is in the law because the government was under obligation to construct this road in order that man and woman could exercise their rights. The governments of the countries have no obligation to recognize you natural rights, your human rights if you diverge from the one road in law that is there.
Maybe you have heard men speak about natural rights and teach that these rights come from God. That the government bodies must respect these rights if you claim that they are from God and you are serving God. International law and domestic law teach us very clearly that there is one pathway to having our rights respected. We can indeed hold the government accountable for limiting our human rights with statutory law. We do not create our own laws or call on private so called law. Our rights are protected by the rule of law and it is this rule that must be invoked. After watching this video you will be armed to protect yourself from the wrong influence of strawmen arguments.
No government agent or public officer is ever allowed to take actions aimed at the destruction of your fundamental human rights. These individuals are bound by and to the rule of Law. The power is in our hands to never allow the government agents to limit and abridge our human rights. The only problem is that if you are never taught these rights then you know not that they exist for you to stand under. This is one reason why this website was created, to help you see what the government has hidden from your eyes. It was the governments responsibility to teach you these rights but the failed on purpose to do so.
Many are looking here and looking there for the answers as to how the government has become so powerful against the individual. How does the government hold such power to regulate and restrict our actions. You will come to see that only by failing in their responsibility to protect human rights, by breaching the rule of Law, do they create the power and ability through statutory law to place limitations and control measures upon us. Just because the government takes these actions it does not mean that they are correct actions. In fact and matter they are incorrect and illegal actions. The government was never to create laws domestically that limit your fundamental human rights.
You might be under the impression that the laws which Canada or America create are the final say , but that understanding would be flawed. These governments have the obligation to respect international law. The international law is THE governing factor over how our governments can create statutory laws. The international law demands that our governments respect the Rule of Law, that they respect our natural rights and never move against them to limit or take them away from us. The only power the government has against us is our ignorance to our rights and their illegal actions aimed at the destruction of our rights, that is it. As you begin to wake up to what is transpiring you can claim your recognition before them to break the color of law they are using to control and regulate you. See the link here to know more about the claim of recognition. |
As we can see our governments, the governments which signed as party to the international bill on human have taken up the obligation in law to allow us as individuals to stand under our full legal capacity. Here in Canada it was Her Majesty at the time that did sign and agree to to respect human rights. Thereby by default placing the obligation upon the government body to do the same. This video is walking you through the obligations and showing you how international law is controlling the domestic laws in our countries. Canada and America are not the lone rangers in the law. They are bound by the rule of law to respect and never limit our full fundamental human rights.
Click the link here to see how this plays out in American law also. |
If you think that operating as a citizen is something good then you understand not what is transpiring against you. A citizen is a legal designation created by statutory law. A citizen is under allegiance to the government powers and must obey their government laws. To operate as a citizen means that you have lost your liberty and are being held in servitude to the government through this statutory creature through this recognition. America, Canada, Russia, Germany, United kingdom it all operates the same.
They cannot control you as a man or woman they can not put you into servitude as a man or woman that would break the Rule of Law by breaking your fundamental human right. What they do instead is create domestic statutory laws that change your designation in law from that of your full legal capacity unto a creature designated a citizen who is now controlled by their laws. This action is against their obligations and is of no force or effect they cannot force you to play the role of citizen |
So natural laws and natural rights better known as human rights are not created by the government but the government must respect and never limit these rights. Enactments are government created laws better known as statutory laws. Statutory law has the recognition of restricting and controlling not liberating and freeing. The government bodies create statutory law to rule and restrict people. Foundational law, which is where we find as natural law is law that protects your individual human rights. Foundational law protects the rule of law. The government is acting outside its authority when they create statutory laws which limit and abridge your fundamental human rights. It is upon your shoulders to know the difference between natural law which brings forth the rule of law and statutory law which ahs the effect of limiting your rights.

All of us have individual rights and freedoms that belong to us simply because we are who we are, Human beings, men and women.
There are principles and laws that are in operation which are there for the benefit and protection of the individual.
Right now most of us in this room are being governed and controlled by laws which have been created by the Government and impact our life.
Law- The regime that orders human activities and relations through systematic application of the force of politically organized society, or through social pressure, backed by force, in such a society; the legal system <respect and obey the law>.
Within law we find,
Natural law- A physical law of nature. A philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a universalized conception of human nature or divine justice rather than from legislative or judicial action;
Natural right. A right that is conceived as part of natural law and that is therefore thought to exist independently of rights created by government or society, such as the right to life, liberty, and property. See NATURAL LAW.
There are Natural Human rights and freedoms that are in operation for all of us to exercise and stand under. These rights and freedoms are not created by the government but they are recognized by the government. Many of us are not aware of the fact that there are rights and freedoms that exist for use to stand under which are not given or created for us by the government bodies.
Inalienable right- A right that cannot be transferred or surrendered, a natural right such as the right to own property.
Absolute right. 1. A right that belongs to every human being, such as the right of personal liberty; a natural right.
Here in Canada you were never taught your fundamental human rights and freedoms, even though Canada had an international obligation to teach you these rights and freedoms. There is a reason why I believe that this has happened why there was an utter failure on Canada’s part to inform us of our individual Human rights and freedoms. Soon you will be able to draw your own conclusion as to why Canada failed to teach you your individual rights and freedoms.
So far we have seen that in law there is natural law which produces natural rights. These rights are inalienable and absolute. They cannot be surrendered and belong to every Human Being. These rights are better known as Fundamental human rights and freedoms.
Within law we also have law that is enacted law, statutes and regulations. These are laws that are created by the Government and the elected officials. These laws are not natural rights and are meant to be used as a controlling mechanism. These laws are created by the government and enforced by the government.
Regulation-The act or process of controlling by rule or restriction
Enactment-The action or process of making into law (enactment of a legislative bill)
Legislative-Of or relating to law making or to the power to enact laws.
Legislative branch-The branch of government responsible for enacting laws
Now let me ask you,
How many here are Canadian Citizens or would consider themselves a Canadian Citizen. I know myself I used to accept that and was even proud to designate myself a Canadian Citizen. It was not until I went looking into Canada’s laws that I found out what being a Canadian Citizen really meant to my life.
When you look into the Canadian Citizenship enactment you find the following description, this is the oath that every citizen of Canada must take or that everyone is assumed to have accepted.
OATH OR AFFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP- I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.
Allegiance- A citizen's or subject's obligation of fidelity and obedience to the government or sovereign in return for the benefits of the protection of the state
Natural-born subject- A person born within the dominion of a monarchy
Subject- One who owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by that sovereign's laws <the monarchy's subjects>
What we are seeing here is that we as human beings have given away our freedom and have entered into an oath of allegiance to serve Her Majesty the Queen and to obey her laws.
When you take designation as a Canadian Citizen you have or are assumed to have sworn allegiance to Her Majesty and that you have promised to obey the Laws of Canada. You are operating as a subject and servant of Her Majesty and are under obligation to obey her laws.
Oath-A solemn declaration, accompanied by a swearing to God or a revered person or thing, that one's statement is true or that one will be bound to a promise. - The person making the oath implicitly invites punishment if the statement is untrue or the promise is broken.
You have now been placed into a position through this oath of allegiance to be subjected to the enactments the laws created by the government. When we look at who actually holds the power here in Canada we find out that it is the Queen who holds executive powers.
The Constitution Act, 1867 Article 9- The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen.
Executive- The branch of government responsible for effecting and enforcing laws; the person or persons who constitute this branch.
The Queen, Elizabeth the second is indeed the sovereign of this territory and we are being held in servitude to her realm. The executive powers that the Queen exercises she transfers to the Governor General of Canada. The Governor General transfers certain powers to the ministers on the government departments.
The Constitution Act, 1867 Article 10- The Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer or Administrator for the Time being carrying on the Government of Canada on behalf and in the Name of the Queen, by whatever Title he is designated.
The Constitution Act, 1867 Article 14- It shall be lawful for the Queen, if Her Majesty thinks fit, to authorize the Governor General from Time to Time to appoint any Person or any Persons jointly or severally to be his Deputy or Deputies within any Part or Parts of Canada.
There are natural Human rights and freedoms that the government does not create but must respect, then there are laws which are created through the executive powers of the Government that apply against The subject and Servant of Her Majesty.
Right now the government is treating you as a subject and servant of her Majesty that Canadian citizen who owes allegiance to Her Majesty and Her laws.
There are principles and laws that are in operation which are there for the benefit and protection of the individual.
Right now most of us in this room are being governed and controlled by laws which have been created by the Government and impact our life.
Law- The regime that orders human activities and relations through systematic application of the force of politically organized society, or through social pressure, backed by force, in such a society; the legal system <respect and obey the law>.
Within law we find,
Natural law- A physical law of nature. A philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a universalized conception of human nature or divine justice rather than from legislative or judicial action;
Natural right. A right that is conceived as part of natural law and that is therefore thought to exist independently of rights created by government or society, such as the right to life, liberty, and property. See NATURAL LAW.
There are Natural Human rights and freedoms that are in operation for all of us to exercise and stand under. These rights and freedoms are not created by the government but they are recognized by the government. Many of us are not aware of the fact that there are rights and freedoms that exist for use to stand under which are not given or created for us by the government bodies.
Inalienable right- A right that cannot be transferred or surrendered, a natural right such as the right to own property.
Absolute right. 1. A right that belongs to every human being, such as the right of personal liberty; a natural right.
Here in Canada you were never taught your fundamental human rights and freedoms, even though Canada had an international obligation to teach you these rights and freedoms. There is a reason why I believe that this has happened why there was an utter failure on Canada’s part to inform us of our individual Human rights and freedoms. Soon you will be able to draw your own conclusion as to why Canada failed to teach you your individual rights and freedoms.
So far we have seen that in law there is natural law which produces natural rights. These rights are inalienable and absolute. They cannot be surrendered and belong to every Human Being. These rights are better known as Fundamental human rights and freedoms.
Within law we also have law that is enacted law, statutes and regulations. These are laws that are created by the Government and the elected officials. These laws are not natural rights and are meant to be used as a controlling mechanism. These laws are created by the government and enforced by the government.
Regulation-The act or process of controlling by rule or restriction
Enactment-The action or process of making into law (enactment of a legislative bill)
Legislative-Of or relating to law making or to the power to enact laws.
Legislative branch-The branch of government responsible for enacting laws
Now let me ask you,
How many here are Canadian Citizens or would consider themselves a Canadian Citizen. I know myself I used to accept that and was even proud to designate myself a Canadian Citizen. It was not until I went looking into Canada’s laws that I found out what being a Canadian Citizen really meant to my life.
When you look into the Canadian Citizenship enactment you find the following description, this is the oath that every citizen of Canada must take or that everyone is assumed to have accepted.
OATH OR AFFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP- I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.
Allegiance- A citizen's or subject's obligation of fidelity and obedience to the government or sovereign in return for the benefits of the protection of the state
Natural-born subject- A person born within the dominion of a monarchy
Subject- One who owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by that sovereign's laws <the monarchy's subjects>
What we are seeing here is that we as human beings have given away our freedom and have entered into an oath of allegiance to serve Her Majesty the Queen and to obey her laws.
When you take designation as a Canadian Citizen you have or are assumed to have sworn allegiance to Her Majesty and that you have promised to obey the Laws of Canada. You are operating as a subject and servant of Her Majesty and are under obligation to obey her laws.
Oath-A solemn declaration, accompanied by a swearing to God or a revered person or thing, that one's statement is true or that one will be bound to a promise. - The person making the oath implicitly invites punishment if the statement is untrue or the promise is broken.
You have now been placed into a position through this oath of allegiance to be subjected to the enactments the laws created by the government. When we look at who actually holds the power here in Canada we find out that it is the Queen who holds executive powers.
The Constitution Act, 1867 Article 9- The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen.
Executive- The branch of government responsible for effecting and enforcing laws; the person or persons who constitute this branch.
The Queen, Elizabeth the second is indeed the sovereign of this territory and we are being held in servitude to her realm. The executive powers that the Queen exercises she transfers to the Governor General of Canada. The Governor General transfers certain powers to the ministers on the government departments.
The Constitution Act, 1867 Article 10- The Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer or Administrator for the Time being carrying on the Government of Canada on behalf and in the Name of the Queen, by whatever Title he is designated.
The Constitution Act, 1867 Article 14- It shall be lawful for the Queen, if Her Majesty thinks fit, to authorize the Governor General from Time to Time to appoint any Person or any Persons jointly or severally to be his Deputy or Deputies within any Part or Parts of Canada.
There are natural Human rights and freedoms that the government does not create but must respect, then there are laws which are created through the executive powers of the Government that apply against The subject and Servant of Her Majesty.
Right now the government is treating you as a subject and servant of her Majesty that Canadian citizen who owes allegiance to Her Majesty and Her laws.
If you have managed to navigate your way here then it is likely do to the fact that most probably you are seeking answers to some difficult questions. Let me start by saying this website was brought into existence out of a desire to share what was unexpectedly learnt but instinctually known. Those instincts lead me to uncover the knowledge concerning my own human rights and freedoms. This understanding has had tremendous impact upon my life. To have what equates to basic freedom is something I believe and am convinced of that the majority of human beings desire. This basic instinctual desire is something we are all born with. The distorted concepts and understanding about what equates to basic rights or human rights is something that surrounds the majority of individuals. This is not a consequence of the individuals choice or actions but a system of Hierarchy emplaced around most all individuals. I can confidently say that not all individuals have been placed under subjection to this Hierarchy. The select few who rule this planet under their certain designations and titles these are those who remain free from the consequences of this created bondage of servitude.
When someone without a preconception honestly looks into the situation that has been created by the powers that be what can and will be found is something that is unexpected and deviant. All your knowledge and understanding that you carry within you has been given to you and brought forth in you through the systems around you. Your ability to read what I have written finds its origin within the education that was provided to you by the government body. Every attribute that you express or use was taught to you through one form of system or another. Everything you know and understand has been given to you by an authority through a Hierarchy. I will be expanding upon those concepts more in this year of 2025. Whether you like it or not each and every life that is not of the ruling class is subjected to a power that controls and regulates your actions and even your thoughts in some cases. This website is not for the faint therefore I will not provide examples to the premises I put forth above. If you can not draw the argument with the conclusion on your own and remain confident that you are your own master, you control your life then you have yet to see what is transpiring around you and you will need some time to hopefully wake up from that which puts you into slumber under its bondage.
I say here and now that these powers that be have worked tremendously hard with energy and effort to keep us under the bondage of servitude, they have perverted knowledge and wisdom in order that we will not see the truth that surrounds our life.
They said we were Canadian citizens, made us proud of heart to be one. Only in that foolish pride we never knew the truth of what we were standing upon what we were resting under. In truth our liberty and our freedom removed from us without our knowledge without our consent. Placed into servitude and made to live under an oath of fidelity, that's the power that you will wrestle with. Wicked and unclean actions which remove from the man the right to be free and remain free. Laws and words on paper operating to take that which does not belong to the ones taking. Its only in subtle deception that evil can work otherwise it has greater risk of being discovered.
Many are asleep and walk under the stronghold of the system that was created and placed around us. There go I but for wisdom earned by effort, energy and sacrifice. Freedom brings forth a battle a price that must be paid, just look at all the men of the past who fought for certain freedoms many paid a heavy price.
If you think your not under a power that has created bondage in your life then I challenge you to browse this website. If you can see what is transpiring against your own life then you can begin the walk to at least knowing your fundamental rights and freedoms in order to exercise them accordingly.
I have added a search option to this website just type in the word you are looking for example (Canada) and it will search the site for you, Police page is open
When someone without a preconception honestly looks into the situation that has been created by the powers that be what can and will be found is something that is unexpected and deviant. All your knowledge and understanding that you carry within you has been given to you and brought forth in you through the systems around you. Your ability to read what I have written finds its origin within the education that was provided to you by the government body. Every attribute that you express or use was taught to you through one form of system or another. Everything you know and understand has been given to you by an authority through a Hierarchy. I will be expanding upon those concepts more in this year of 2025. Whether you like it or not each and every life that is not of the ruling class is subjected to a power that controls and regulates your actions and even your thoughts in some cases. This website is not for the faint therefore I will not provide examples to the premises I put forth above. If you can not draw the argument with the conclusion on your own and remain confident that you are your own master, you control your life then you have yet to see what is transpiring around you and you will need some time to hopefully wake up from that which puts you into slumber under its bondage.
I say here and now that these powers that be have worked tremendously hard with energy and effort to keep us under the bondage of servitude, they have perverted knowledge and wisdom in order that we will not see the truth that surrounds our life.
They said we were Canadian citizens, made us proud of heart to be one. Only in that foolish pride we never knew the truth of what we were standing upon what we were resting under. In truth our liberty and our freedom removed from us without our knowledge without our consent. Placed into servitude and made to live under an oath of fidelity, that's the power that you will wrestle with. Wicked and unclean actions which remove from the man the right to be free and remain free. Laws and words on paper operating to take that which does not belong to the ones taking. Its only in subtle deception that evil can work otherwise it has greater risk of being discovered.
Many are asleep and walk under the stronghold of the system that was created and placed around us. There go I but for wisdom earned by effort, energy and sacrifice. Freedom brings forth a battle a price that must be paid, just look at all the men of the past who fought for certain freedoms many paid a heavy price.
If you think your not under a power that has created bondage in your life then I challenge you to browse this website. If you can see what is transpiring against your own life then you can begin the walk to at least knowing your fundamental rights and freedoms in order to exercise them accordingly.
I have added a search option to this website just type in the word you are looking for example (Canada) and it will search the site for you, Police page is open
I hope that your new found understanding will encourage you to seek a change for your own freedom. Everything that is in blue on this website is a link to an exterior page you need only click the link.
As you will come to see by surfing this free website, Placing a human being into servitude and subjecting them to the so called sovereign's will and laws is a ridiculous operation of power to claim to have. This is 2017 not the 1600's we are free men and women with fundamental rights and freedoms, recognized by international law, domestic law and recognized in common law.
There is a corrupt atmosphere a corrupt power that is encircling all of us. This power produces bondage and servitude, It is a controlling power a force that is used as a medium of control. Through deception of words and declarations of law certain individuals believe that they have the right to control and regulate most actions and behaviors in your life.
While history has taught us that law is necessary for good order , these laws originate and flow from natural rights, Human rights. What we have experienced and are continuing to experience in 2017 are rules and regulations being enforced upon us which strip us of our fundamental rights and freedoms. If your not familiar with fundamental rights and freedoms, natural rights you might be asking yourself at this point what are fundamental rights, what are natural rights and freedoms
The very definition of natural rights is described as follows
Natural right. A right that is conceived as part of natural law and that is therefore thought to exist independently of rights created by government or society, such as the right to life, liberty, and property
You and I are born with rights and freedoms that are part of us just because of who (what) we are, that being men and women (human beings) these natural rights and freedoms were not given to us by the government bodies but they exist apart from the government (legislator)
As a man or woman you have the right to stand under and exercise your natural, fundamental rights and freedoms. When you choose to do this you are then standing under or upon your full legal capacity as the supreme court of Canada has declared.
Thomson Newspapers Ltd. v. Canada (Director of Investigation and Research, Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
While individuals as a rule have full legal capacity by the operation of law alone, artificial persons are creatures of the state and enjoy civil rights and powers only upon the approval of statutory authorities...His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State
You were born into existence and since that day of your birth you have what the law defines as a Full legal Capacity This is simply saying that they acknowledge that you have fundamental rights and freedoms, natural rights that exist apart from the government Our natural ,fundamental rights and freedoms existed long before Canada became a dominion and these rights operate not by the will of the government or legislator by by the law of the land.
The executive powers of Canada are limiting and abridging your natural rights by not recognizing you under your full legal capacity or under that designation and are however forcing you to take on legal personalities, classes of persons which can exercise only certain rights and freedoms. What is a legal person, a class of person for a greater understanding surf here.
A legal personality is something you are given by the legislators, by statutory powers.
When you are in your car traveling you are operating as a DRIVER, this is the legal personality that you are operating under when you are in your car. As a Driver you are subjected to the enactments and regulations that govern DRIVERS such as the highway safety act. Since you are operating from that capacity as DRIVER you are now being subjected and controlled by the enactments.
When you are going to school you are considered a STUDENT, this is the legal personality that you are operating under. As a STUDENT you are subjected to rules and regulations, statutory powers that control what you can and can not do.
When you are hunting the legal personality they class you as or under is designated HUNTER and this personality is controlled by statutory powers, the enactments.
The list can be endless, everything we do every action we take the legislator has tried to govern and control us, control our freedoms.
When you are operating a legal personality your actions are controlled by certain enactments and regulations that the government created to control this class of person. As a hunter out there in the bush that legal personality would be subjected or controlled by the firearms enactment, for this is the statutory power that regulates a hunter, however as a Hunter you would not be subjected to the enactments that govern Students, why because a student is a different class of person a different legal personality.
Thomson Newspapers Ltd. v. Canada (Director of Investigation and Research, Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
Artificial persons are creatures of the state and enjoy civil rights and powers only upon the approval of statutory authorities...
When we take on or stand under the legal personality we are then operating as artificial persons we are CREATURES of the state and our actions are controlled by the enactments, statutory powers, government created regulations. We are no longer men and women born into existence standing under their full legal but have become CREATURES of the state, and these creatures are created by law and given certain rights.
artificial person. An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being
As you can see above an artificial person (legal personality) what the judge called CREATURES are CREATED BY LAW and given CERTAIN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF A HUMAN BEING. You and I were born into existence our personality under our full legal capacity was something that came into existence do to our natural births. The legal personality of DRIVER, STUDENT, HUNTER ect... is CREATED by law, CREATED by the statutory powers, the enactments.
These legal personalities are given only certain rights and freedoms of a man and woman and these legal personalities, these legal creatures can not express or exercise our natural rights and freedoms our full legal capacity. When we stand as a class of person we have had our natural rights and freedoms limited and abridged.
So as you can see without your understanding or consent the executive powers and the legislators of Canada have tricked you into accepting to give away your natural rights and freedoms your full legal capacity in order that you could take on another legal personality , whether it be DRIVER, STUDENT, TEACHER, HUNTER, FISHERMAN, FIREMAN, MAYOR, MAILMAN, BIKER, WALKER, RUNNER ect...all these legal personalities are creatures of the state and are the mechanisms that are used to limit and abridge your fundamental rights and freedoms.
You believe that you are living in Canada and that you are part of the geographic area, land mass designated Canada. I want to inform you that the executive powers, this government is not being honest with you. Although you may believe with good intentions that when you say you reside or live in Canada you are referring to the land mass the law says that Canada is nothing more then a corporate body a Corporation. Surf here for greater details about this Corporation designated Canada.
The supreme court of Canada has made this point very clearly,
Supreme Court of Canada
Re: Authority of Parliament in relation to the Upper House, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 54
Date: 1979-12-21
“Further, although s. 91(1) gave the Queen the power, with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Commons, to alter the “Constitution of Canada” except in certain expressly designated areas, it does not confer a power to amend the B.N.A. Act. The word “Canada” in s. 91(1) does not refer to Canada as a geographical unit but refers to the juristic federal unit.
juristic federal unit brings forth or indicates that Canada is an artificial entity the corporate body.
juristic person. See artificial person . artificial person. An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being.
Since Canada is a corporation we would expect to find corporate powers in operation this is why the offices of the leaders of Canada are described as executive in nature.
Constitution act 1867 article 9
The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen.
Constitution act 1867
10- The Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer
Black’s law edition 7- Chief executive officer- A corporation's highest-ranking administrator who manages the firm day by day and reports to the board of directors
Canada Is a corporation in law and the powers that run or control Canada are executive in nature, Not only is Canada a Corporation but your local municipality is also a corporation under law and guess what, you have been incorporated into the body corporate into the corporation without your knowledge and without your consent.
Ontario municipal act
Body corporate
1.(1) The inhabitants of every municipality are incorporated as a body corporate
Charter of Vancouver
City of Vancouver — corporation and boundaries
Article 6. The inhabitants of the area, the boundaries of which are described in this section, shall continue to be a corporation and a municipality with the name of City of Vancouver
New Brunswick
Municipal Enactment
3(1) The inhabitants of the cities and towns in existence on January 1, 1967 continue to be bodies corporate.
3(3) The inhabitants of a municipality created under this Act are a body corporate under the name prescribed for it under this Act.
Nova Scotia Municipal Act
Every municipality subject to Act
Article 4 Every municipality incorporated at the date this Act comes into force is subject to this Act.
5(1) The inhabitants of the County of Cape Breton are, and continue to be, a body corporate under the name “Cape Breton Regional Municipality”
5 (3) The inhabitants of the County of Queens are, and continue to be, a body corporate under the name “Region of Queens Municipality
A body corporate- Law:
The term "corporation" should be used instead of "body corporate
The terms "body corporate" and "corporation" mean exactly the same thing. However, "body corporate" is archaic. It is never used in business and financial writing, which deal with corporations at great length, and does not appear in either
the Canadian Oxford Dictionary or the Gage Canadian Dictionary (although other dictionaries do list it). Indeed, the very unfamiliarity of the term "body corporate" may mean that not all readers realize that it means the same thing as "corporation."
"Body" is a noun and "corporate" is an adjective. In English, adjectives generally go before the nouns they modify. "body corporate" is one of a small number of expressions in which the adjective follows the noun. This construction was fashionable in Elizabethan times, but, needless to say, it is no longer common. However, not only is "body corporate not current in modern English, but also it does not have a particularly technical meaning: it simply means "corporation," as is clear from the following definitions.
The New Oxford Dictionary of English:
body corporate- formal term for CORPORATION
Black's Law Dictionary (8th ed.):
body corporate. See CORPORATION
We are all being incorporated into the body corporate and are being classified as a class of person, an officer of the corporation, which is a personality that owes duties and obligations to the executive powers of these corporate bodies.
Personality -The legal status of one regarded by the law as a person; the legal conception by which the law regards a human being or an artificial entity as a person.
The political system and the domestic legal system that is in operation in Canada was here long before I was born and will most likely continue to be in operation after I have finished my temporary journey here on earth. I seek not to change the present structure nor to promote division to those who remain part of the society, that subject and servant who has promised to obey. I only seek to show Her Majesty that she has been mistaken in her measures and that the enactments and laws that have been given royal assent have created different class of persons within this land. These different classes of persons now have hostility in their hearts between one another for equality is not prevalent in this land.
This is against the principals of Fundamental human rights and freedoms. These measures, enactments and regulations that have been put into place here in Canada have divided our land, have divided us as human beings. The measures that you are allowing have created poverty in this land, where there is poverty there is sickness, where there is poverty their is despair. There has been an increase in criminal behavior of human beings due to the oppression and poverty that the regulations which have been given royal assent create upon them and their lives.
My motives and intentions are simply to offer my fellow man and women, the chance to understand what is transpiring here in our Country on OUR LAND and to OUR LOVED ONES. Many of us ask ourselves the question why do they have the right or claim to have the right to govern me? We know through instinct that something is not right when we face this claimed authority our spirits remain divided against such a power, yet we are forced or brought into subjection and submission without really ever understanding why.
Rebellion against tyranny is a natural emotion that we all have inside of us. It is also a fundamental right that we possess. Why because its an emotion of the heart an expression of our human will, when understood. As you surf this site and begin to understand more and more concerning what has transpired against your fundamental rights and freedoms and how you have been brought into subjection to serve a commercial system, you will begin to fellowship more and more with that natural emotion, that natural expression of your will declaring to you inside that you are indeed a free human being and what has transpired against you is unnatural.
Whether you work as government agent to pay your bills or whether your a house wife raising her family, you have the right to know about fundamental rights and freedoms and how they impact you individually. You also have the freedom and right not to have to stay in the position of one being governed as a subject or servant.
The objective of this site was to provide information for Men and Women and a point of contact to acquire knowledge for those who have decide they will seek after their rights and freedoms as afforded to them under international and domestic laws.
I believe that the primary problem in our country the reason that the society is falling apart as many claim, is due to the laws that have been given force of law through enactments and regulations which have not respected our individual fundamental rights and freedoms. If Canada as a state party would fulfill their obligations towards the individuals who are on this territory, our society would transform in a positive way. Much of the present problems concerning food, poverty, housing, division between classes, this can been completely turned around if only the state party would honor their obligations to us as individuals.
The Website will help all those who are seriously seeking answers, by providing explanations as to why they have been regulated and controlled, I am just one human being seeking to share what he has understood through research and study, striving to promote and protect our fundamental rights and freedoms.
As you will come to see by surfing this free website, Placing a human being into servitude and subjecting them to the so called sovereign's will and laws is a ridiculous operation of power to claim to have. This is 2017 not the 1600's we are free men and women with fundamental rights and freedoms, recognized by international law, domestic law and recognized in common law.
There is a corrupt atmosphere a corrupt power that is encircling all of us. This power produces bondage and servitude, It is a controlling power a force that is used as a medium of control. Through deception of words and declarations of law certain individuals believe that they have the right to control and regulate most actions and behaviors in your life.
While history has taught us that law is necessary for good order , these laws originate and flow from natural rights, Human rights. What we have experienced and are continuing to experience in 2017 are rules and regulations being enforced upon us which strip us of our fundamental rights and freedoms. If your not familiar with fundamental rights and freedoms, natural rights you might be asking yourself at this point what are fundamental rights, what are natural rights and freedoms
The very definition of natural rights is described as follows
Natural right. A right that is conceived as part of natural law and that is therefore thought to exist independently of rights created by government or society, such as the right to life, liberty, and property
You and I are born with rights and freedoms that are part of us just because of who (what) we are, that being men and women (human beings) these natural rights and freedoms were not given to us by the government bodies but they exist apart from the government (legislator)
As a man or woman you have the right to stand under and exercise your natural, fundamental rights and freedoms. When you choose to do this you are then standing under or upon your full legal capacity as the supreme court of Canada has declared.
Thomson Newspapers Ltd. v. Canada (Director of Investigation and Research, Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
While individuals as a rule have full legal capacity by the operation of law alone, artificial persons are creatures of the state and enjoy civil rights and powers only upon the approval of statutory authorities...His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State
You were born into existence and since that day of your birth you have what the law defines as a Full legal Capacity This is simply saying that they acknowledge that you have fundamental rights and freedoms, natural rights that exist apart from the government Our natural ,fundamental rights and freedoms existed long before Canada became a dominion and these rights operate not by the will of the government or legislator by by the law of the land.
The executive powers of Canada are limiting and abridging your natural rights by not recognizing you under your full legal capacity or under that designation and are however forcing you to take on legal personalities, classes of persons which can exercise only certain rights and freedoms. What is a legal person, a class of person for a greater understanding surf here.
A legal personality is something you are given by the legislators, by statutory powers.
When you are in your car traveling you are operating as a DRIVER, this is the legal personality that you are operating under when you are in your car. As a Driver you are subjected to the enactments and regulations that govern DRIVERS such as the highway safety act. Since you are operating from that capacity as DRIVER you are now being subjected and controlled by the enactments.
When you are going to school you are considered a STUDENT, this is the legal personality that you are operating under. As a STUDENT you are subjected to rules and regulations, statutory powers that control what you can and can not do.
When you are hunting the legal personality they class you as or under is designated HUNTER and this personality is controlled by statutory powers, the enactments.
The list can be endless, everything we do every action we take the legislator has tried to govern and control us, control our freedoms.
When you are operating a legal personality your actions are controlled by certain enactments and regulations that the government created to control this class of person. As a hunter out there in the bush that legal personality would be subjected or controlled by the firearms enactment, for this is the statutory power that regulates a hunter, however as a Hunter you would not be subjected to the enactments that govern Students, why because a student is a different class of person a different legal personality.
Thomson Newspapers Ltd. v. Canada (Director of Investigation and Research, Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
Artificial persons are creatures of the state and enjoy civil rights and powers only upon the approval of statutory authorities...
When we take on or stand under the legal personality we are then operating as artificial persons we are CREATURES of the state and our actions are controlled by the enactments, statutory powers, government created regulations. We are no longer men and women born into existence standing under their full legal but have become CREATURES of the state, and these creatures are created by law and given certain rights.
artificial person. An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being
As you can see above an artificial person (legal personality) what the judge called CREATURES are CREATED BY LAW and given CERTAIN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF A HUMAN BEING. You and I were born into existence our personality under our full legal capacity was something that came into existence do to our natural births. The legal personality of DRIVER, STUDENT, HUNTER ect... is CREATED by law, CREATED by the statutory powers, the enactments.
These legal personalities are given only certain rights and freedoms of a man and woman and these legal personalities, these legal creatures can not express or exercise our natural rights and freedoms our full legal capacity. When we stand as a class of person we have had our natural rights and freedoms limited and abridged.
So as you can see without your understanding or consent the executive powers and the legislators of Canada have tricked you into accepting to give away your natural rights and freedoms your full legal capacity in order that you could take on another legal personality , whether it be DRIVER, STUDENT, TEACHER, HUNTER, FISHERMAN, FIREMAN, MAYOR, MAILMAN, BIKER, WALKER, RUNNER ect...all these legal personalities are creatures of the state and are the mechanisms that are used to limit and abridge your fundamental rights and freedoms.
You believe that you are living in Canada and that you are part of the geographic area, land mass designated Canada. I want to inform you that the executive powers, this government is not being honest with you. Although you may believe with good intentions that when you say you reside or live in Canada you are referring to the land mass the law says that Canada is nothing more then a corporate body a Corporation. Surf here for greater details about this Corporation designated Canada.
The supreme court of Canada has made this point very clearly,
Supreme Court of Canada
Re: Authority of Parliament in relation to the Upper House, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 54
Date: 1979-12-21
“Further, although s. 91(1) gave the Queen the power, with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Commons, to alter the “Constitution of Canada” except in certain expressly designated areas, it does not confer a power to amend the B.N.A. Act. The word “Canada” in s. 91(1) does not refer to Canada as a geographical unit but refers to the juristic federal unit.
juristic federal unit brings forth or indicates that Canada is an artificial entity the corporate body.
juristic person. See artificial person . artificial person. An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being.
Since Canada is a corporation we would expect to find corporate powers in operation this is why the offices of the leaders of Canada are described as executive in nature.
Constitution act 1867 article 9
The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen.
Constitution act 1867
10- The Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer
Black’s law edition 7- Chief executive officer- A corporation's highest-ranking administrator who manages the firm day by day and reports to the board of directors
Canada Is a corporation in law and the powers that run or control Canada are executive in nature, Not only is Canada a Corporation but your local municipality is also a corporation under law and guess what, you have been incorporated into the body corporate into the corporation without your knowledge and without your consent.
Ontario municipal act
Body corporate
1.(1) The inhabitants of every municipality are incorporated as a body corporate
Charter of Vancouver
City of Vancouver — corporation and boundaries
Article 6. The inhabitants of the area, the boundaries of which are described in this section, shall continue to be a corporation and a municipality with the name of City of Vancouver
New Brunswick
Municipal Enactment
3(1) The inhabitants of the cities and towns in existence on January 1, 1967 continue to be bodies corporate.
3(3) The inhabitants of a municipality created under this Act are a body corporate under the name prescribed for it under this Act.
Nova Scotia Municipal Act
Every municipality subject to Act
Article 4 Every municipality incorporated at the date this Act comes into force is subject to this Act.
5(1) The inhabitants of the County of Cape Breton are, and continue to be, a body corporate under the name “Cape Breton Regional Municipality”
5 (3) The inhabitants of the County of Queens are, and continue to be, a body corporate under the name “Region of Queens Municipality
A body corporate- Law:
The term "corporation" should be used instead of "body corporate
The terms "body corporate" and "corporation" mean exactly the same thing. However, "body corporate" is archaic. It is never used in business and financial writing, which deal with corporations at great length, and does not appear in either
the Canadian Oxford Dictionary or the Gage Canadian Dictionary (although other dictionaries do list it). Indeed, the very unfamiliarity of the term "body corporate" may mean that not all readers realize that it means the same thing as "corporation."
"Body" is a noun and "corporate" is an adjective. In English, adjectives generally go before the nouns they modify. "body corporate" is one of a small number of expressions in which the adjective follows the noun. This construction was fashionable in Elizabethan times, but, needless to say, it is no longer common. However, not only is "body corporate not current in modern English, but also it does not have a particularly technical meaning: it simply means "corporation," as is clear from the following definitions.
The New Oxford Dictionary of English:
body corporate- formal term for CORPORATION
Black's Law Dictionary (8th ed.):
body corporate. See CORPORATION
We are all being incorporated into the body corporate and are being classified as a class of person, an officer of the corporation, which is a personality that owes duties and obligations to the executive powers of these corporate bodies.
Personality -The legal status of one regarded by the law as a person; the legal conception by which the law regards a human being or an artificial entity as a person.
The political system and the domestic legal system that is in operation in Canada was here long before I was born and will most likely continue to be in operation after I have finished my temporary journey here on earth. I seek not to change the present structure nor to promote division to those who remain part of the society, that subject and servant who has promised to obey. I only seek to show Her Majesty that she has been mistaken in her measures and that the enactments and laws that have been given royal assent have created different class of persons within this land. These different classes of persons now have hostility in their hearts between one another for equality is not prevalent in this land.
This is against the principals of Fundamental human rights and freedoms. These measures, enactments and regulations that have been put into place here in Canada have divided our land, have divided us as human beings. The measures that you are allowing have created poverty in this land, where there is poverty there is sickness, where there is poverty their is despair. There has been an increase in criminal behavior of human beings due to the oppression and poverty that the regulations which have been given royal assent create upon them and their lives.
My motives and intentions are simply to offer my fellow man and women, the chance to understand what is transpiring here in our Country on OUR LAND and to OUR LOVED ONES. Many of us ask ourselves the question why do they have the right or claim to have the right to govern me? We know through instinct that something is not right when we face this claimed authority our spirits remain divided against such a power, yet we are forced or brought into subjection and submission without really ever understanding why.
Rebellion against tyranny is a natural emotion that we all have inside of us. It is also a fundamental right that we possess. Why because its an emotion of the heart an expression of our human will, when understood. As you surf this site and begin to understand more and more concerning what has transpired against your fundamental rights and freedoms and how you have been brought into subjection to serve a commercial system, you will begin to fellowship more and more with that natural emotion, that natural expression of your will declaring to you inside that you are indeed a free human being and what has transpired against you is unnatural.
Whether you work as government agent to pay your bills or whether your a house wife raising her family, you have the right to know about fundamental rights and freedoms and how they impact you individually. You also have the freedom and right not to have to stay in the position of one being governed as a subject or servant.
The objective of this site was to provide information for Men and Women and a point of contact to acquire knowledge for those who have decide they will seek after their rights and freedoms as afforded to them under international and domestic laws.
I believe that the primary problem in our country the reason that the society is falling apart as many claim, is due to the laws that have been given force of law through enactments and regulations which have not respected our individual fundamental rights and freedoms. If Canada as a state party would fulfill their obligations towards the individuals who are on this territory, our society would transform in a positive way. Much of the present problems concerning food, poverty, housing, division between classes, this can been completely turned around if only the state party would honor their obligations to us as individuals.
The Website will help all those who are seriously seeking answers, by providing explanations as to why they have been regulated and controlled, I am just one human being seeking to share what he has understood through research and study, striving to promote and protect our fundamental rights and freedoms.
Most of us are aware that Queen Elizabeth ( now King Chuckles) is involved with Canada in one form or another. Most of us however do not understand just exactly what duties and rights the king, along with the monarch exercise here in Canada. Most of us do not think twice about designating ourselves a Canadian citizen, some of use even say this with pride. We state this fact without even realizing what it really means to be a Canadian citizen. We associate words such a freedom and wealth and unity to express what we feel a Canadian citizen represents. Those expression could not be farther from reality. As you surf this website you will be presented with information that will challenge your conception of what Canada really is.
If you are not aware that there is a big difference between a person and a man or woman look through this website. It requires a short time of your day and the information contained therein could help change you and your situation in life.
We are all born with rights and freedoms that are inalienable to us, that is they are a part of us. These rights and freedoms are granted to us and given to us by the one who gave us life. The government bodies have stripped away these rights and freedoms from us. The good news is there is some relief that can be obtained.

I was taught that I was part of a society that was operating under the principal of mutual benefit. That we all live together and for the betterment of this society I must contribute my part. I believed that this was a honorable and correct principal.
What they failed to inform me of was the fact that in this society I was not operating as a free individual but as a human being bound to the will ...and desires of a one power.
In this land called Canada His Majesty has claimed that you have pledge you allegiance to her and that you will obey the laws of Canada, when we look into the laws of Canada we find the following statements
NOW THEREFORE, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
You can see the one who claims that we have given our allegiance to HIM is now creating laws and enforcing them on her subjects and servants, that Canadian citizen, the artificial person.
The structure of this society is built around what you have seen above, we give away our freedom through a pledge of allegiance or they assume that we have taken this pledge, we have promised to obey His Majesty and His laws and then His Majesty gives force to laws.
Our position is that of servitude to the laws HIS Majesty enacts. His enforcers are the government agents at the upper levels of the government.
Constitution of Canada 1867 article 9- The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen ( now King Charles).
The executive powers belong to the Queen, the executive powers are the controlling power.
Constitution of Canada 1867 article 10 The Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer or Administrator for the Time being carrying on the Government of Canada on behalf and in the Name of the King, by whatever Title he is designated.
These executive powers are then shared with the Governor General the Governor general is operating on behalf and in the name of the Queen (Now King). We see here that the Governor general is in office on the Kings behalf not our behalf (peoples) behalf. His duty and loyalty is to the King and his will.
Constitution of Canada 1867 article 11 There shall be a Council to aid and advise in the Government of Canada, to be styled the KINGS Privy Council for Canada; and the Persons who are to be Members of that Council shall be from Time to Time chosen and summoned by the Governor General and sworn in as Privy Members.
There is a 12 member privy council named the KINGS privy council again this council is in office on the Kings behalf not our behalf (peoples) behalf and this council is chosen by the Governor general.
this is what is transpiring with the government of this state party. It is all focused and in operation to benefit and on behalf of the King.
The government deals with you as a subject of His Majesty and enforces the laws upon you for the mutual benefit of this Society he built.
The problem is most of these laws have stripped you of your fundamental Human rights and freedoms. The life we live now is in servitude to this system. However we need not remain as that subject and servant.
There is such a dark wicked game being played with the life of Human beings. It is sad to see. The main power that is being used upon us is ignorance and deceit.
We posses many rights that are recognized by this state party that can change the very life we are living in a dramatic way.
You do not have to be held in servitude remember my other post that brought forth the fact that we all have certain rights and freedoms that can never be limited and one of those is they can not force us into servitude or to serve His Majesty and Her Laws.
Immigration enactment article 3
(f) complies with international human rights instruments to which Canada is signatory.
we see here located in an enactment that Her majesty has given force of law that Canada is indeed a signatory to the international bill on Human rights and freedoms
again in the emergency act
AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council (GOVERNOR GENERAL), in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;
That governor general who operates on behalf of the Queen knows Canada is a signatory to the bill on Human rights and that they must never and can limit my fundamental rights if I choose to exercise them and they can never limit your fundamental right and freedoms if you exercise them according to their obligation.
BILL on Human rights International covenant on civil and political rights Article 5
1. Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present Covenant.
What they failed to inform me of was the fact that in this society I was not operating as a free individual but as a human being bound to the will ...and desires of a one power.
In this land called Canada His Majesty has claimed that you have pledge you allegiance to her and that you will obey the laws of Canada, when we look into the laws of Canada we find the following statements
NOW THEREFORE, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
You can see the one who claims that we have given our allegiance to HIM is now creating laws and enforcing them on her subjects and servants, that Canadian citizen, the artificial person.
The structure of this society is built around what you have seen above, we give away our freedom through a pledge of allegiance or they assume that we have taken this pledge, we have promised to obey His Majesty and His laws and then His Majesty gives force to laws.
Our position is that of servitude to the laws HIS Majesty enacts. His enforcers are the government agents at the upper levels of the government.
Constitution of Canada 1867 article 9- The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen ( now King Charles).
The executive powers belong to the Queen, the executive powers are the controlling power.
Constitution of Canada 1867 article 10 The Provisions of this Act referring to the Governor General extend and apply to the Governor General for the Time being of Canada, or other the Chief Executive Officer or Administrator for the Time being carrying on the Government of Canada on behalf and in the Name of the King, by whatever Title he is designated.
These executive powers are then shared with the Governor General the Governor general is operating on behalf and in the name of the Queen (Now King). We see here that the Governor general is in office on the Kings behalf not our behalf (peoples) behalf. His duty and loyalty is to the King and his will.
Constitution of Canada 1867 article 11 There shall be a Council to aid and advise in the Government of Canada, to be styled the KINGS Privy Council for Canada; and the Persons who are to be Members of that Council shall be from Time to Time chosen and summoned by the Governor General and sworn in as Privy Members.
There is a 12 member privy council named the KINGS privy council again this council is in office on the Kings behalf not our behalf (peoples) behalf and this council is chosen by the Governor general.
this is what is transpiring with the government of this state party. It is all focused and in operation to benefit and on behalf of the King.
The government deals with you as a subject of His Majesty and enforces the laws upon you for the mutual benefit of this Society he built.
The problem is most of these laws have stripped you of your fundamental Human rights and freedoms. The life we live now is in servitude to this system. However we need not remain as that subject and servant.
There is such a dark wicked game being played with the life of Human beings. It is sad to see. The main power that is being used upon us is ignorance and deceit.
We posses many rights that are recognized by this state party that can change the very life we are living in a dramatic way.
You do not have to be held in servitude remember my other post that brought forth the fact that we all have certain rights and freedoms that can never be limited and one of those is they can not force us into servitude or to serve His Majesty and Her Laws.
Immigration enactment article 3
(f) complies with international human rights instruments to which Canada is signatory.
we see here located in an enactment that Her majesty has given force of law that Canada is indeed a signatory to the international bill on Human rights and freedoms
again in the emergency act
AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council (GOVERNOR GENERAL), in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;
That governor general who operates on behalf of the Queen knows Canada is a signatory to the bill on Human rights and that they must never and can limit my fundamental rights if I choose to exercise them and they can never limit your fundamental right and freedoms if you exercise them according to their obligation.
BILL on Human rights International covenant on civil and political rights Article 5
1. Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present Covenant.

When we look into the International Covenants which are part of the international bill on human rights we find that any state party that were signatories to the Covenants, which would include Canada were under the obligation to give effects to these human rights and freedoms through the following avenues,
International covenant Article 2.2
Where not already provided for by existing legislative o...r other measures, each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take the necessary steps, in accordance with its constitutional processes and with the provisions of the present Covenant, to adopt such laws or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in the present Covenant.
To give effect to these rights the state party Canada had to take the necessary steps to include these rights and freedoms within the Constitution Act of Canada and they had to adopt laws or other measures to make sure our individual Human rights and freedoms could be exercised.
Again we can clearly see that Her Majesty was under obligation through Her representative the Governor General to allow the exercise of these individual rights and freedoms. As I have shared with my Facebook followers this state Party Canada is well aware of their obligations to the Covenants.
Canada became a signatory to these covenants in 1976 and the obligation to express these fundamental rights and freedoms were fulfilled in 1982 when Canada brought forth the New Constitution Act. The covenants placed the obligation upon Her Majestys executive powers and they fulfilled the obligation.
The constitution act of Canada 1982 was not just created out of the blue because Canada felt like it, the obligation came from the covenants themselves. It was not until 6 years after that Canada signed the international bill on Human rights and freedoms, that they finally created this new Constitution fulfilling their obligations.
Since its inception this new Constitution Act became the Supreme law of Canada as indicated in the constitution itself,
Constitution Act 1982 article 52- The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.
So this Constitution act of 1982 is the Supreme law here in Canada and any other laws created through enactments that Her Majesty gives Royal assent to, if they breech our individual Human rights they are of no force or effect, which means we cannot be held to these enactments to obey these enactments.
Constitution Act 1982 article 1-The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
I have shared that you and I have fundamental rights and freedoms that can never be limited or abridged. That the Government is well aware of this fact and they must allow us to exercise these human rights without interfering with us.
Emergency Act.......AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;
This state party cannot take any action aimed at the destruction of these individual human rights and freedoms.
International Covenant on Civil and Political rights Article 5
1. Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present Covenant.
One of these individual human rights and freedoms that cannot be limited is the fact that we cannot be held in servitude to a political system, neither can we be held in servitude to Her Majesty or have to follow Her Majestys laws and regulations.
International Covenant on Civil and Political rights
Article 8.2 No one shall be held in servitude.
this fundamental human right and freedom can never be limited, the Covenants themselves bring forth this fact of law.
We are looking for the equivalent operation of law in the constitution Act of Canada 1982, when we read the Constitution of 1982 we do not find this type of statement or operation of law, it does not say that No one shall be held in Servitude...So what is transpiring ,what is going on. Did this state party breech their international obligation.
No they did not,
When you look at the Constitution Act of 1982 it is declared that this constitution act brings forth Certain rights and freedoms.
Constitution Act 1982 article 26- The guarantee in this Charter of certain rights and freedoms shall not be construed as denying the existence of any other rights or freedoms that exist in Canada.
This constitution Act Guarantees or expresses certain human rights and fundamental freedoms however just because our rights might not directly be enumerated or listed in the constitution Canada cannot deny the existence of any other rights or freedoms that are not listed in the constitution as long as these rights and freedoms come out of the international covenants.
This state party cannot deny your individual right not to be held in servitude and by calling upon article 26 of the constitution act it allows us to stand under the fundamental human right not to be held in servitude.
looking a bit deeper we see that in article 7 of the constitution act 1982 it is stated
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person.
By now I hope you are aware that everyone here in this article of law only refers to a human being not an artificial person. I shared this fact with you in a prior post here on Facebook. The subject or player in this article of law is strictly a human being.
We as Human being have the right to liberty. This right to liberty is a direct fulfillment of the obligation not to hold us in servitude. This liberty is something that can be exercised and stand under in order to remove the servitude that is going on over our life. On top of that this right to freedom from servitude this right to exercise our liberty can never be abridged or limited. Please visit the information store HERE.
International covenant Article 2.2
Where not already provided for by existing legislative o...r other measures, each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take the necessary steps, in accordance with its constitutional processes and with the provisions of the present Covenant, to adopt such laws or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in the present Covenant.
To give effect to these rights the state party Canada had to take the necessary steps to include these rights and freedoms within the Constitution Act of Canada and they had to adopt laws or other measures to make sure our individual Human rights and freedoms could be exercised.
Again we can clearly see that Her Majesty was under obligation through Her representative the Governor General to allow the exercise of these individual rights and freedoms. As I have shared with my Facebook followers this state Party Canada is well aware of their obligations to the Covenants.
Canada became a signatory to these covenants in 1976 and the obligation to express these fundamental rights and freedoms were fulfilled in 1982 when Canada brought forth the New Constitution Act. The covenants placed the obligation upon Her Majestys executive powers and they fulfilled the obligation.
The constitution act of Canada 1982 was not just created out of the blue because Canada felt like it, the obligation came from the covenants themselves. It was not until 6 years after that Canada signed the international bill on Human rights and freedoms, that they finally created this new Constitution fulfilling their obligations.
Since its inception this new Constitution Act became the Supreme law of Canada as indicated in the constitution itself,
Constitution Act 1982 article 52- The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.
So this Constitution act of 1982 is the Supreme law here in Canada and any other laws created through enactments that Her Majesty gives Royal assent to, if they breech our individual Human rights they are of no force or effect, which means we cannot be held to these enactments to obey these enactments.
Constitution Act 1982 article 1-The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
I have shared that you and I have fundamental rights and freedoms that can never be limited or abridged. That the Government is well aware of this fact and they must allow us to exercise these human rights without interfering with us.
Emergency Act.......AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;
This state party cannot take any action aimed at the destruction of these individual human rights and freedoms.
International Covenant on Civil and Political rights Article 5
1. Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present Covenant.
One of these individual human rights and freedoms that cannot be limited is the fact that we cannot be held in servitude to a political system, neither can we be held in servitude to Her Majesty or have to follow Her Majestys laws and regulations.
International Covenant on Civil and Political rights
Article 8.2 No one shall be held in servitude.
this fundamental human right and freedom can never be limited, the Covenants themselves bring forth this fact of law.
We are looking for the equivalent operation of law in the constitution Act of Canada 1982, when we read the Constitution of 1982 we do not find this type of statement or operation of law, it does not say that No one shall be held in Servitude...So what is transpiring ,what is going on. Did this state party breech their international obligation.
No they did not,
When you look at the Constitution Act of 1982 it is declared that this constitution act brings forth Certain rights and freedoms.
Constitution Act 1982 article 26- The guarantee in this Charter of certain rights and freedoms shall not be construed as denying the existence of any other rights or freedoms that exist in Canada.
This constitution Act Guarantees or expresses certain human rights and fundamental freedoms however just because our rights might not directly be enumerated or listed in the constitution Canada cannot deny the existence of any other rights or freedoms that are not listed in the constitution as long as these rights and freedoms come out of the international covenants.
This state party cannot deny your individual right not to be held in servitude and by calling upon article 26 of the constitution act it allows us to stand under the fundamental human right not to be held in servitude.
looking a bit deeper we see that in article 7 of the constitution act 1982 it is stated
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person.
By now I hope you are aware that everyone here in this article of law only refers to a human being not an artificial person. I shared this fact with you in a prior post here on Facebook. The subject or player in this article of law is strictly a human being.
We as Human being have the right to liberty. This right to liberty is a direct fulfillment of the obligation not to hold us in servitude. This liberty is something that can be exercised and stand under in order to remove the servitude that is going on over our life. On top of that this right to freedom from servitude this right to exercise our liberty can never be abridged or limited. Please visit the information store HERE.
Keeping your fundamental rights and freedoms in your mind is important, in fact it is something that we as individuals all need to strive for. The promotion and observance or these rights and freedoms are our responsibility if we do not act we will lose them forever. Not only for ourselves but for the future generations to come.
Rebellion through a lawful means, it is nothing at all like Hollywood presents in their films.
Hello you can leave me a message here. Please include your email in the message.
This website does not offer legal advice but the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The author of this website does not offer any legal advice. The intention of this website is the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms. I am one individual seeking to share his personal understanding concerning our fundamental Human rights and freedoms. Any information contained upon this website is not meant to be used as legal guidance, it is the simple expression of one man’s understanding and what you do with the information provided herein remains your responsibility.
Nor, does the author of this website initiate seminars or conferences. Upon request from an exterior source, the author of the website will gather in a group with like minded individuals under the following
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Article 5
For the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, at the national and international levels:
( a ) To meet or assemble peacefully;
( b ) To form, join and participate in non-governmental organizations, associations or groups;
Article 6
Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others:
( a ) To know, seek, obtain, receive and hold information about all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including having access to information as to how those rights and freedoms are given effect in domestic legislative, judicial or administrative systems;
( b ) As provided for in human rights and other applicable international instruments, freely to publish, impart or disseminate to others views, information and knowledge on all human rights and fundamental freedoms;
( c ) To study, discuss, form and hold opinions on the observance, both in law and in practice, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and, through these and other appropriate means, to draw public attention to those matters.
Article 7
Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to develop and discuss new human rights ideas and principles and to advocate their acceptance.
Nor, does the author of this website initiate seminars or conferences. Upon request from an exterior source, the author of the website will gather in a group with like minded individuals under the following
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Article 5
For the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, at the national and international levels:
( a ) To meet or assemble peacefully;
( b ) To form, join and participate in non-governmental organizations, associations or groups;
Article 6
Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others:
( a ) To know, seek, obtain, receive and hold information about all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including having access to information as to how those rights and freedoms are given effect in domestic legislative, judicial or administrative systems;
( b ) As provided for in human rights and other applicable international instruments, freely to publish, impart or disseminate to others views, information and knowledge on all human rights and fundamental freedoms;
( c ) To study, discuss, form and hold opinions on the observance, both in law and in practice, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and, through these and other appropriate means, to draw public attention to those matters.
Article 7
Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to develop and discuss new human rights ideas and principles and to advocate their acceptance.