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There are so many myths out there concerning the commercial system and the structure of the banks. The number of opinions out there are vast and the majority of them make no sense at all. For example there is a man teaching that you must forgive your debts then you will escape the liability. This understanding is taken from a bible passage and has no force of effect in the real commercial world. It is sad to see those who teach such falsehood.
When you went into the bank and opened up an account you agreed to many terms and conditions or at least the bank claims you did. Below are some of the terms and conditions that you agreed to. You will see that they are claiming that by agreeing with them you have bound you heirs to these terms and conditions.
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The BANKS are not exactly what you think.
The BANKS always try to catch you with their rules and regulations. If you break one of their rules they are quick to come after you and point out what you have done to transgress. This video below will help you see that the banks also have broken their own rules , but they do not want you to know. The rules they broke will produce freedom for you from your debt accounts. Watch to find out what they did wrong according to their own play books.
They are operating with electronic accounts and creating money through the computer by hitting some keys on a keyboard. Watch the below video to see that banks create money out of thin air and then try to obligate you to THEIR CREATION.
Bank Act
Bills of Exchange Act
Financial Administration Act
All the information shared here on this page and all other pages on this website are for your own personal growth and information. My work should not be copied and used in a commercial capacity without my express consent. All those who engage in such actions have been placed on public notice.
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Allow me to ask you to stop at this point. If you have watched the videos in order from the top down, you have now come across information you most likely did not know about. Take some time to read the 19 page report below. I know it sounds long but really they are simple pages with content that is easy to read.
The report will show you that the government, banks and the credit card companies are all aware of what is transpiring. You will also see that you have every right to confront them on their improper application of their own rules concerning these consumer notes.
In the video below we see the fruit of this banking system. You must Remember this money is all electronic money it is not Canadian Bank notes. However the men and women losing their property are losing real valuable possessions.While you were working with your energy and working hard may I add. The banks were busy collecting it from you through accounts that were created out of thin air by electronic means without any consideration on the banks part.
Below you see that the banking Minister himself describes the operations of the bank, how that it is the consumer who is the one creating an asset for the bank. When a consumer asks the bank for a loan what is really transpiring is that you are creating a positive for the bank.
You see Canada only has about 64 billion real dollars in circulation. That is to say 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars bills.The amount that is in circulation is only about 64 billion dollars worth. The below report is from the Bank of Canada and it shows us exactly how much bank notes are in circulation.
Below is information from the Bank of Canada concerning the amount of credit that is in circulation. This report is reflective only concerning household credit and loans. There is as of November 2011 report 1 trillion, 589 billion dollars in credit that is on loan from the banks. Again that is $1 589 000 000 000 of household credit that the Bank of Canada claims is in circulation.
Now apart from the 1.5 trillion dollars that the Bank claims is on loan for household credit we also find a report that states, for business credit there is over 1 trillion, 3 hundred billion on loan in the form of credit. Again that amount is $1 300 000 000 000.
Since there is only about $54 000 000 000 (54 billion) of real bank notes in circulation in Canada, yet the bank declares there are over 2 800 000 000 000 (2.8 trillion) of credit loans out. What exactly did the bank lend on these credit contracts, what exactly was the consideration the bank placed forth?
This video shows you that there is jurisprudence concerning these consumer notes that are not marked correctly.
There is an information package with greater detail and documentation concerning what you have come to understand on this page. It is a package meant to give you the ability to take the next step in these fraudulent contracts that the banks and credit companies are creating. Go to the TAKE HOME SERIES page of this website and look for the information package that pertains to the consumer notes.
More victory against credit and consumer notes.
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