Welcome to the vaccination page.
The videos that have been listed here are hear to help you understand how Canada is using the domestic statutory laws to regulate vaccine. These statutory laws will be called upon again in a short while because the chickens have a cold. The next round of vaccine requirements will attempt to limit and abridge your human rights even to a greater degree then 2020.
The government has created statutory laws that have the effect of forcing a person to be subjected to an injection. These laws have produced a limiting factor against fundamental right to liberty and choice. The government intends to use these laws to a maximum degree in the next emergency which is coming soon.
www.eternallyaware.com/servitude.html |
This video Explains the powers that are presently in operation within Canada under the Quarantine Act. It explains how this act can be used to control the movement of individuals and to subsequently subject individuals to medical examinations and possible isolation in a quarantine camp.
Walking through what abilities the government has under the recent measures during this emergency declaration. you think getting a ticket for not social distancing is bad...watch this video.....
Why does the media attempt to produce fear as it pertains to the Federal Emergency Act...They are already using the same powers and rights against the society Now.
This video is sharing what could happen if your caught breaking the isolation measure and order you are currently under and do not know how to invoke your full legal capacity.
The government was using a limitation on the freedoms of article two of the charter of rights and freedoms. Those freedoms are not fundamental human rights but freedoms exercised by statutory creatures. This is why the freedoms in article 2 were set aside during the time of emergency.
Walking through the statutory law as it pertains to medical treatment and the forced isolation of Canadians as it pertains to the vaccines. We can see that the government of Canada has already created statutory laws that allow some dangerous operations of law to come forth. The are permitted to force and confine the statutory creature for medical reasons. If your not sure what a statutory creature is then click the link
www.eternallyaware.com/class-of-person.html |
So the government has already put into force and effect statutory laws that they will use to force individuals to take a vaccine against their own desires and will. There is only one way to defend against such a provision in law and that is not to take recognition as a statutory creature before them. In order for an individual to be sure that they have established a lawful excuse against any vaccine order they must have a claim of recognition in operation on their behalf. See the link here for how to obtain a claim of recognition.
www.eternallyaware.com/claim-recognition.html |