The United States of America

This page will help you to understand the operation of Human rights, natural rights within the United States of America. This country is under obligation just as Canada is to respect their promises to promote and ensure natural rights and freedoms. America is a signatory to the international bill protecting human rights and therefore must grant you the execution of these rights. You will come to see that Your natural rights have been enumerated and listed in the State constitutions.
The natural rights, the human rights that are contained in the international law are expressed in every State Constitution. These expression of your Human rights were an obligation upon the American government to fulfill. This is why the State constitutions bring these rights forth. It is the expression of full legal capacity.
This video will help you to understand the obligation that the government of America is under as it pertains to your natural rights your human rights. As you saw your in the video to the left, your natural rights in America are preserved within the state constitutions. They are preserved there because the government was under obligation to do so.
As you watch this video you will begin to see that there are different subjects or players in law. You will find the designation of Man, this is you in your full legal capacity, standing under your natural rights, your human rights. This is contrary to the standing of Citizen, is created by law and given rights and duties under the statutory law that created it.
to understand more about what legal person is, what a statutory person is pleas view this link. |
All government entities in America are subjected to the rule of law this video link will help you to understand what the rule of law is.
All the executive, legislative and judicial powers are confined and controlled by the rule of law. |
You have human rights that were not given to you by the government, you were born with them. The government recognizes these rights and they are under obligation to respect your rights, not take them away from you. By taking your rights away from you they are partaking in actions aimed at the destruction of your rights and this is contrary to their obligations. They have created a legal system where we as individuals must Strive to enforce and exercise our human rights because they have failed to respect them.
I hope you are aware that you as an individual man or woman were born free. You were born with natural rights, human rights which the law recognizes as your full legal capacity. This is the rule of law. The government never taught us about these rights and then went around and limited these rights, which by the way is illegal. Now we all find ourselves in the position of having to Strive for these rights because of the actions of the government.
Just as in Canada common law and human rights must develop in accordance with the constitutions. In America it is the State constitutions where you will find your human rights being articulated and brought forth. This obligation to recognize and bring forth your rights was placed upon the executive government of Americas by the international covenants.
In this video you will see the same fundamental principals of justice in operation in America as they are in Canada. These fundamental principals of justice are considered the rule of law. That is why we find them expressed in both countries for the rule of law applies to all and everyone, if if you do not know about it, it is still there for you.
This video is going to talk about the Citizen in our countries. This designation of citizen is a creation of government laws. You are born a free man or woman you are not born as a Citizen. The government produces an operation of law which changes your capacity before them and places you into the capacity of a statutory creature, that being the Citizen. If you want to operate as a Citizen that is your choice, but the problem is that you are not given the choice, and by not giving you the choice this limits and abridges your right to liberty which is a fundamental human right that you possess. To get a better understanding of what a legal person is, what a statutory creature is follow the link.
Many people have a question as to why they are forced to pay tax. Taxation is based upon the principal of mutual benefit. The government of America can never force you under your full legal capacity to contribute, to pay taxes based upon that principal. The government of America has created the same statutory powers, the same operations of law as we see in Canada in order to force American people to pay taxes. The statutory operations of law that they are using are against natural law and are limiting your fundamental human rights. To see the exact same operation of law being used against Canadians click the link here. |
This video will help you see the operations of law that already exist in America if you are ever forced to defend your right to not have to contribute based upon the principal of benefit. You might think that taxation is an obligation but in reality it is a limitation upon your fundamental human right. Even the artificial intelligence Chat gpt is aware that no individual can be forced to pay a tax based upon the principal of mutual benefit. |
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Courts of America
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The united states of America is considered a Corporation and the inhabitants have also been rendered a artificial person within the laws.
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As you can see the White house is considered a Private corporation and the president of this corporation is the president of the United states. This company was incorporated in 1789 in the district of Columbia.
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The attachment to the left is information about taxes and the IRS. The IRS is a private corporation that operates in the United States. The problem is that this company has not been incorporated in many states and therefore has no executive or administrative powers to operate under. The demands they place upon the people in the United States are not back up by prescription of law.
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Below are some additional videos concerning your fundamental rights and freedoms in America. These common law expressions are there for you to stand under.
If you are seeking for some information packages on what to do to execute your fundamental rights against the executive powers of the United States click on the following link and scroll to the bottom of the page America Help