Claim Of Recognition
A claim of recognition is an essential step to being able to stand and operate your full legal capacity under the rule of law. You are communicating to the executive and judicial powers of Canada that you have recognized their obligations to respect your fundamental human rights. It is your way of informing them that you have come to realize that the government has limited and abridged your fundamental human rights contrary to their obligations. It removes the color of right the government uses upon you to force you into the role of Statutory creature to limit your natural rights.
The claim of recognition informs the government body that you understand the rule of Law and the subsequent obligations that this rule produces upon the government to never limit and abridge certain fundamental human rights. It informs the government that you recognize that they are under the constraints of international law and that they have been breaching their obligations.
The claim of recognition has the effect of informing the government that you are aware of the fact that statutory law is not the primary law in Canada. That all the statutory laws which they are using to attempt to limit and abridge your full legal capacity, your human rights are of no force or effect. That the government has no more operation of law to use the color of law against you.
The claim of recognition brings forth to the government that you recognize that natural rights are primary law here in Canada, part of foundational law. That our Human rights are protected by the Rule of law and that they can not use statutory law to restrict these rights or they are breaking the rule of law. It is a fence of deterrent used against the government power if they ever try to force you into capacity and recognition as a person before the law.
The claim of recognition has the effect of informing the government that you are aware of and are using proper operations of law to defend your human rights. The recognition you are bringing forth in the claim is showing that you are aware of the governments obligations. many people have made claims to the government but not all those claims produce a liability upon the government. The claim of recognition produces the liability on the government towards you as one individual, if they ever attempt to limit and abridge your fundamental human rights.
The claim of recognition is putting the government on notice that you are aware of their obligations and the fact that they have already taken actions aimed at the destructions of your fundamental human rights, which they were not permitted to do. It provides a standard against the government so they can not claim that the rights you are invoking are none sense, like we see in this video below. It provides a foundation of communication between you and the state party which produces you legal standing before them, that being your full legal capacity. Without this document the government is free to imply what they will against you. The claim of recognition not only informs the government of what you have understood and how you are now standing, it also puts a restriction on them from trying to designate or state that what you are claiming is wrong or produces no obligation on them. It has the effect of shutting the lions mouth so to speak.
In order to need a claim of recognition you first must see that you have the need. Waking up to the fact that one has natural rights, human rights is the first step in understanding. Realizing that these natural rights are being limited and removed by the government contrary to the Rule of Law. Recognizing that the governments can not just make up any laws they want to but are under obligation and control of international law. Recognizing that your natural rights that are being limited are protected by law and that a limitation should have never existed against your rights. Recognizing that the government can not just simply point to its domestic statutory law to say they have the right to limit and abridge your human rights. Recognizing that statutory law brings forth civil freedoms and not human rights . Recognizing that a driver, student, worker, consumer, homeowner, resident, tax payer, Citizen ect... are all statutory designations created by law which have the effect of limiting our fundamental human rights. Recognizing that your human rights can never be limited or abridged. Recognizing that you possess the right to enter into recognition as a person as a statutory creature but no obligation. Recognizing that being appointed into an office makes you a prescribed person for the purpose of taxation, among much more..
In order to Request a claim of recognition, hit the link designated Donation below.
It is clear that there is an abundant need for all of us men and women to claim recognition of what is transpiring here in Canada . It is through the action of sending them your claim of recognition that informs the government clearly that you are a human being with intrinsic rights, with fundamental human rights that they have been limiting and abridging contrary to the Rule of law. Unless you claim recognition the government will continue to restrict and rule your actions under the guise of statutory law. The government will continue to force you into obligations to civil law, under statutory law.
When I think about servitude it brings to mind a master who controls their subject. The master has work for his subject to attend to. This work is to the profit of the master. Sometimes the servant is even abused physically to the point where he or she breaks down. The servant is used at the expense of the master. How fitting to term us human beings through the juridical person as servants of Her Majesty. The Canadian system is a system that is using us for its profit. This system takes and removes from us in order to enrich the few namely those in the Monarch kingdom. I also think about that master who has a whip in his hand, a gun on his belt and chains around the legs of the servant. You see he does not hide the fact that he owns you and you are his. If you try to question that ownership then he will not think twice to put you back into your place so to speak. The servant knows he or she is a servant. Here in Canada the master hides. They do not want to expose themselves as sitting in the position of authority with their whips and chains. They pretend that the authority they have is freely given to them through something called government.
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This government does not represent a great many of us human beings living here on the land mass known as Canada. However the ruling party with the advice and consent of Her Majesty want to render us Human beings as servants and subjects of Her Majesty. To force us to serve this system by removing from us and our families wealth and freedoms that belong to us. The fundamental rights and freedoms that we have are not respected. Our life has been placed into servitude to a commercial system.